Keyword Tool

Use the Keyword Tool to get new keyword ideas. Select an option below to enter a few descriptive words or phrases, or type in your website's URL. Keyword Tool Tips

Important note: We cannot guarantee that these keywords will improve your campaign performance. We reserve the right to disapprove any keywords you add. You are responsible for the keywords you select and for ensuring that your use of the keywords does not violate any applicable laws.

new Want more keyword ideas? Try the Search-based Keyword Tool, a new tool that will generate ideas matched to your website.

How Google Adword work

Keywords are what people search for on Google.
Your ad appears beside relevant search results.
You create your ads
You create ads and choose keywords, which are words or phrases related to your business.
Get keyword ideas

Your ads appear on Google
When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad may appear next to the search results. Now you're advertising to an audience that's already interested in you.

You attract customers
People can simply click your ad to make a purchase or learn more about you. You don't even need a webpage to get started - Google will help you create one for free. It's that easy!

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Google Adword


Advertise your business on Google

No matter what your budget, you can display your ads on Google and our advertising network. Pay only if people click your ads.

Your ads appear beside related search results... People click your ads... And connect to your business



Launched in 2003 by Bpatch, Ltd., Bidvertiser burst onto the CPC ad network scene by trying to differentiate itself from the many other contextual networks available. Their innovative business model was, and still is today, to sell their publisher’s ads to the highest advertising bidder on a price-per-click basis.

As such, advertisers bid against each other for a publisher’s ad space, with the highest bidders always getting displayed on the publisher’s website.

Google Adsense


One of the most well-known and popular advertising networks on the internet, Google’s AdSense offers its users a way to monetize their sites through both ad links and the Google search feature. Its main draw is that the advertisements it offers are targeted to fit the content of the page on which they appear and the search terms that are entered into the search field.

This means that the advertisements it displays are more relevant to the content of the site on which they are posted, and therefore more likely to be clicked by visitors to that site. This is a major innovation in advertising and still fairly uncommon among ad networks, and has proven much more effective at earning money for site owners than untargeted advertisements.

In addition, AdSense provides a variety of ways to customize both the ads’ appearance and the way in which their value is reported, making it a very comprehensive and straightforward provider of relevant advertisements.