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Bid Advertiser


Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your business
Advertise across thousands of websites on a pay per click basis
1. Browse our categorized directory of websites
2. Select the appropriate ones for your business
3. Set your desired geographic targeting
4. Set your pay per click bids
5. Your ads are up and running!



Traffic Quality


Ads Format


eBay Seller

Sign Up

Bid Advertiser eBay Seller

Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your businessPay per click advertising on sites of your choice
With BidVertiser, you choose the categories to place your ad on. Simply browse through our categorized directory of sites and choose the appropriate ones for your ad.

Pay only for the clicks you receive
We use a pay per click advertising (ppc) model which means that you only pay for the clicks you receive. You choose how much you are willing to pay for each click, in each of the categories you have chosen to display your ads on.

Set the max price you are willing to pay per click
We automatically adjust your cost-per-click to just $0.01 above the next closest competitor, so you get the best price available for your traffic.

Choose your geographical targeting
BidVertiser allows you to display your ads within a geographic range you determine. Simply choose your geographical targeting and we will show your ads only to users located anywhere in the country or countries you selected.

Monitor the performance of your ads
Use the Advertiser Center to monitor the performance of your ads by customizing dozens of online reports such as the number of page impressions, clicks, click-through rate and the total amount you've spent.

Bid Advertiser Sign up

Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your business

1. Create Account
2. Ad Type
3. Targeting
4. Geo Targeting
5. Set Bid
6. Create Ad
7. Create Budget
8. Ad Funds

Create Account


Ad Type




Geo Targeting


Set Bids


Create Ad


Set Budget


Add Funds


Bid Advertiser FAQ

Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your business

What is BidVertiser?

BidVertiser is a cost-per-click bidding system that allows you to advertise text ads on sites of your choice. Simply create your text ad, choose the categories to advertise on, set the maximum price-per-click you are willing to pay and your ads will instantly start appearing.

How much does it cost?

BidVertiser ads run on a cost-per-click basis. This means that you only pay for visitors that actually click on your ads. Using our bidding-based ad serving system, you can choose the maximum price-per-click you are willing to pay for each of the categories you have chosen to advertise on. We automatically adjust your cost-per-click to just $0.01 above the next closest competitor, so you get the best price available for your traffic.

Where will my ads appear?

With BidVertiser, you choose the categories to place your ads on. Unlike automated contextual-based ads, where there is no way for you to know where your clicks-through come from, here you are in control. Once you have opened an advertiser account, you can choose which categories to advertise on.

Do I need a design firm to create my ads?

No! BidVertiser serves text ads that consists of a Title and 2 lines of description. You can create your ads in a matter of seconds - we will guide you through during the sign-up process.

When will my ads start being displayed?

Once you have setup an advertiser account, you will be able to create your text ads, select the site(s) that you would like to advertise on and set the maximum price that you are willing to pay for each click. Within minutes your ads will start being displayed and you will be receiving new visitors.

What prevents users from repeatedly clicking on my ad?

Our bidding-based ad serving system combines cutting edge technology with human monitoring and review to protect you from fraudulent clicks. Each and every click is thoroughly analyzed and reviewed for abnormalities. You do not pay for any clicks that are determined to be fraudulent.
Nonetheless, should you have any concern, please use our advanced ticketing system to contact us online at: Support
You can also contact us by phone using our toll-free numbers:
USA toll free: 1.866.319.0373
Canada toll free: 1.866.213.3484
UK toll free: 0.800.032.3887
France toll free: 0.800.91.94.98

What kind of reports will I get?

BidVertiser provides you with all the information you need to determine the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. You will be able to monitor the performance of your ads by customizing dozens of online reports such as the number of page impressions, clicks, click-through rate and the total amount you've spent.

Is there a minimum fee or time commitment?

No! With BidVertiser there is no minimum spending limit or time commitment. After opening an advertiser account, you can add to your account any amount of funds that suits your budget.

Bid Advertiser Ads Format

Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your business
BidVertiser supports 5 groups of ads: Banners, Buttons, Inline Ads, Skyscrapers and Free Design. All ads are fully customizable to fit the site's look & feel.

Along with the pre-configured Ads, BidVertiser allows a free design of ads, with customized sizes.

Full Banner
(468 X 60)
Leaderboard (728 X 90)
Half Banner (234 X 60)
Vertical Banner (120 X 240)

Bid Advertiser Performance

Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your business
Your advertiser control panel gives you all the tools you need to make informed decisions quickly, using advanced reporting and performance tracking:

Customize online reports such as the number of impressions, clicks, click-through rate and the total amount you've spent, in the level of campaign, ad or category/site.

Performance Tracker
The BidVertiser Performance Tracker allows you to count how many of the clicks we are sending to your website are converting to sales, signups, leads or any other user behavior you deem valuable. This valuable information will help you identify how effective are your ads and categories/sites you have selected.

Bid Advertiser Traffic Quality

Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your business

BidVertiser protects its customers from click fraud, ensuring that only valid and legit clicks are counted. Each click is being processed online by our fraud-detection system, using a sophisticated algorithm that is being constantly updated by our fraud-detection team.

What is a valid click?
Valid click is a click on your ad that was generated by a human, who found your ad appealing and willingly clicked on it with intention to visit your site (such as to make a purchase, register a service, request for info or navigate content).

What is an invalid click?
Invalid click is a click generated by robots, systems, software or even humans with no intention to visit your website.

BidVertiser Click Protection Validator

Fraud-Detection Algorithm
BidVertiser uses a state-of-the-art fraud-detection algorithm to track and evaluate the validity of each click. All impressions and clicks are evaluated by a broad range of factors, such as bot traffic, proxies, banned IPs, unmatched clicks, rapid clicks, unmatched referrers and many that we are forced to keep confidential (so we won't help the ones that are trying to cheat).
In addition to the online fraud-detection algorithm, our fraud-detection team manually and constantly reviews the clicks logs and purifies clicks that are suspected to be fraudulent, while updating our fraud-detection algorithm accordingly.

The bottom line is that when there is a doubt - there is no doubt: When a click is suspected to be fraudulent - we mark it as fraudulent. The quality of traffic that we send to you is our highest concern.

Bid Advertiser Targeting

Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your business
Targeted Advertising
With BidVertiser, you decide where your ad will be displayed. We allow you to either browse through our categorized directory of sites and select only the appropriate ones for your business.

Traffic Origin
BidVertiser allows you to display your ads within a geographic range you determine. Simply choose your geographic targeting and we will show your ads only to users located anywhere in the country or countries you selected.

Ad Creative
With our pay-per-click model, you only pay for clicks your receive. The user that sees your ad knows exactly what you have to offer and only if he finds your offer appealing, he will willingly click on it to visit your site.

Bid Advertiser Overview

Pay per click advertising on sites relevant to your business
Targeted pay per click advertising
With BidVertiser, you decide where your ad will be displayed. Simply browse through our categorized directory of sites and choose the appropriate ones for your ad.

Pay only for the clicks you receive
We use a pay per click advertising (ppc) model which means that you only pay for the clicks you receive. You choose how much you are willing to pay for each click, in each of the categories you have chosen to display your ads on.

Set the max price you are willing to pay per click
We automatically adjust your cost-per-click to just $0.01 above the next closest competitor, so you get the best price available for your traffic.

Create your ads in minutes
Easily create and edit your ads and target URL. Simply choose a title, two lines of a description and you are set to go. Your ads will appear in the categories you have chosen within minutes.

Choose your geographic targeting
BidVertiser allows you to display your ads within a geographic range you determine. Simply choose your geographic targeting and we will show your ads only to users located anywhere in the country or countries you selected.

Use the Advertiser Center to monitor the performance of your ads by customizing dozens of online reports such as the number of page impressions, clicks, click-through rate and the total amount you've spent.

PepperjamNetwork Summary


Kris Jones is one of the most respected people in the realm of internet marketing and it appears that he has quite the winner on his hands with Pepperjam Network. This performance-based advertising network offers a wealth of different offers, one of the most powerful control panels in the industry, and some of the best transparency in the industry.

Pepperjam NetworkThe application process is painless and it is very easy to search through the vast database of affiliate offers. On the down side, publishers must apply to each merchant’s affiliate program on an individual basis, so the turnaround time may prove to be a hurdle for some publishers. It also could mean that smaller publishers may be rejected for some of the more lucrative offers.

Being able to contact the merchant representatives from within the Pepperjam Network control panel is a definite plus, as is the possibility of requesting private offers and custom ad creatives. The relatively low payout threshold ($25) and PayPal payment option are also great features.

All in all, Pepperjam Network is a solid option for any publisher looking for a performance-based ad network. There are both offers based on revenue share and those with a CPA-based payout.

PepperjamNetwork Referral Program

Referral Program

Pepperjam NetworkWhile some other CPA-based advertising networks offer a referral program wherein a publisher can earn a percentage of commissions earned by the referral for a certain amount of time, Pepperjam Network does not do this. Instead, the standard referral bonus is $5.

From time to time, Pepperjam also offers additional bonuses as well. For example, in July 2008, the referral commission was increased to $7 and all new registrants received a $10 sign-up bonus.

PepperjamNetwork Payment Details

Payment Details

Pepperjam NetworkThe Pepperjam Network issues payments to its publishers every two weeks, just like it does to its employees. Payment can be received in the form of a check, direct deposit, or PayPal.

The minimum payout level is $25, and payment preferences can be set under the Profile Settings in the publisher control panel.

PepperjamNetwork Publisher Support

Publisher Support

Pepperjam NetworkAlthough each individual publisher may not be assigned a personal affiliate manager, the team at Pepperjam Network does an exceptional job at staying on top of publisher inquiries.

They are available via email, telephone, and fax, as well as the contact forms within the publisher control panel. Most email responses are received within 24 hours.

PepperjamNetwork Registration


Pepperjam NetworkApplying to Pepperjam Network is largely comprised of a single registration form. On this form, the applicant will need to provide personal information (name, email address, password), company information (name, URL, address, tax classification), promotional methods, and company category (up to 3). The applicant must also accept the service agreement.

Following submission of this application form, a Pepperjam Network representative will get in contact with the applicant to verify some account information. This typically takes place via e-mail within a day or two of registration. There do not appear to be any traffic requirements for Pepperjam Network approval.

PepperjamNetwork Control Panel

Control Panel

The Pepperjam Network control panel may intimidate some novice publishers, because the main dashboard is filled with so much information. For this reason, it could also be one of the most powerful control panels available from any affiliate marketing network.

From within the main page of the control panel, publishers can see the account balance at a glance (including pending commissions, locked commissions, paid commissions, and bonuses), view creative earnings, access a variety of different reports, and oversee the program performance for the current month.

Near the top of the page are the name of the assigned network manager, the publisher’s affiliate ID, transparency rating, current balance, and a link for the payment history.

Navigating through the powerful Pepperjam Network control panel consists of ten tabs near the top of the page:

  • Account: Under this tab, publishers can access profile settings and manage relationships. The former is for changing personal information, company information, additional websites, promotional methods, company category, and payment methods. The latter is for managing the relationships with each individual advertiser. This is because when a publisher is approved for an account with Pepperjam Network, he is not necessarily approved for every offer in the network. Instead, the publisher must apply within the Pepperjam control panel. From this “Manage Relationships” section, publishers can view the current status for each of these advertisers: pending, active, or declined. It is also here that publishers can re-apply for a relationship, should they be declined by the advertiser.
  • Mail: This is the internal message center for Pepperjam Network. Publishers can send messages directly to any advertisers with which they have already established a relationship.
  • Reports: There are seven sub-sections to this area of the control panel. They are Reports Overview, SID Report, Transaction Summary, Sale Transaction Details, Lead Transaction Details, Commission Summary, and Payment History. This is a very exhaustive reports section, fitting for such a powerful affiliate marketing network.
  • Generate Links: There are two subsections to this area. The first is Program List, which displays all of the advertisers with which a publisher has established a relationship. From here, the publisher can review the offer details and access the available ad creatives. The second is Product Feeds, which works in much the same way, but for product feeds.
  • pepperjamADS: This is one of the unique features of Pepperjam Network, because it allows publishers to display ad creatives from multiple hand-selected merchants at the same time. Using this functionality, publishers create new pepperjamADS programs as they see fit. There is a full video tutorial which will guide publishers through the process of creating one of these multi-ad creatives.
  • Find Partners: Publishers can seek out the various affiliate offers from merchants based on a number of criteria. The list can be narrowed down based on payment details (revenue share, CPA, or both) and by category (e.g., Business, Web Services, Medical, etc.). Partners can also be found based on keyword. The list shows the advertiser’s logo, merchant name, category, contact name, revenue share/CPA, cookie duration, tracking, accept method, and 1-Month EPC. It is from this list that a publisher can choose to join the merchant’s affiliate program. Some offer automatic acceptance; others have individual review processes.
  • Resource Center: Known also as the Pepperjam Knowledge Vault, this is where publishers can go to learn how to become a top performing super affiliate. The resources are broken down into three categories. They are Super Affiliate Resources (ReviewMe, Keycompete, etc.), Educational Resources (Shoemoney, Zac Johnson, etc.), and Affiliate Interviews (Darren Rowse, John Chow, etc.).
  • Pepperjam Chat: Similar to the Mail section, Pepperjam Chat is a communication tool that publishers can use to better communicate with the merchant partners. Publishers can use this system to request private offers, custom ad creatives, coupons, and other items that may work in the favor of both the publisher and the advertiser. This also helps to build and strengthen relationships.
  • Blog: The official Pepperjam blog is largely maintained by the company’s president and CEO Kris Jones. He writes on the latest internet marketing news, developments within the Pepperjam Network, and other related matters.
  • Contact Us: This is one of the easiest ways to contact the Pepperjam team. There is a section for leaving feedback and a separate one for reporting a bug.