PepperjamNetwork Control Panel

Control Panel

The Pepperjam Network control panel may intimidate some novice publishers, because the main dashboard is filled with so much information. For this reason, it could also be one of the most powerful control panels available from any affiliate marketing network.

From within the main page of the control panel, publishers can see the account balance at a glance (including pending commissions, locked commissions, paid commissions, and bonuses), view creative earnings, access a variety of different reports, and oversee the program performance for the current month.

Near the top of the page are the name of the assigned network manager, the publisher’s affiliate ID, transparency rating, current balance, and a link for the payment history.

Navigating through the powerful Pepperjam Network control panel consists of ten tabs near the top of the page:

  • Account: Under this tab, publishers can access profile settings and manage relationships. The former is for changing personal information, company information, additional websites, promotional methods, company category, and payment methods. The latter is for managing the relationships with each individual advertiser. This is because when a publisher is approved for an account with Pepperjam Network, he is not necessarily approved for every offer in the network. Instead, the publisher must apply within the Pepperjam control panel. From this “Manage Relationships” section, publishers can view the current status for each of these advertisers: pending, active, or declined. It is also here that publishers can re-apply for a relationship, should they be declined by the advertiser.
  • Mail: This is the internal message center for Pepperjam Network. Publishers can send messages directly to any advertisers with which they have already established a relationship.
  • Reports: There are seven sub-sections to this area of the control panel. They are Reports Overview, SID Report, Transaction Summary, Sale Transaction Details, Lead Transaction Details, Commission Summary, and Payment History. This is a very exhaustive reports section, fitting for such a powerful affiliate marketing network.
  • Generate Links: There are two subsections to this area. The first is Program List, which displays all of the advertisers with which a publisher has established a relationship. From here, the publisher can review the offer details and access the available ad creatives. The second is Product Feeds, which works in much the same way, but for product feeds.
  • pepperjamADS: This is one of the unique features of Pepperjam Network, because it allows publishers to display ad creatives from multiple hand-selected merchants at the same time. Using this functionality, publishers create new pepperjamADS programs as they see fit. There is a full video tutorial which will guide publishers through the process of creating one of these multi-ad creatives.
  • Find Partners: Publishers can seek out the various affiliate offers from merchants based on a number of criteria. The list can be narrowed down based on payment details (revenue share, CPA, or both) and by category (e.g., Business, Web Services, Medical, etc.). Partners can also be found based on keyword. The list shows the advertiser’s logo, merchant name, category, contact name, revenue share/CPA, cookie duration, tracking, accept method, and 1-Month EPC. It is from this list that a publisher can choose to join the merchant’s affiliate program. Some offer automatic acceptance; others have individual review processes.
  • Resource Center: Known also as the Pepperjam Knowledge Vault, this is where publishers can go to learn how to become a top performing super affiliate. The resources are broken down into three categories. They are Super Affiliate Resources (ReviewMe, Keycompete, etc.), Educational Resources (Shoemoney, Zac Johnson, etc.), and Affiliate Interviews (Darren Rowse, John Chow, etc.).
  • Pepperjam Chat: Similar to the Mail section, Pepperjam Chat is a communication tool that publishers can use to better communicate with the merchant partners. Publishers can use this system to request private offers, custom ad creatives, coupons, and other items that may work in the favor of both the publisher and the advertiser. This also helps to build and strengthen relationships.
  • Blog: The official Pepperjam blog is largely maintained by the company’s president and CEO Kris Jones. He writes on the latest internet marketing news, developments within the Pepperjam Network, and other related matters.
  • Contact Us: This is one of the easiest ways to contact the Pepperjam team. There is a section for leaving feedback and a separate one for reporting a bug.


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