Bidvertiser Features


Competing in the CPC market is not easy for an up-and-coming ad network with the giant Google AdSense towering over its competition and monopolizing the market. However, Bidvertiser has stepped up to the plate and actually offers publishers many benefits over AdSense.

The first is that Bidvertiser offers an extremely low minimum payment of only $10. This is one of the smallest minimum payments in the industry, and coupled with the fact that publishers can withdraw via PayPal, Bidvertiser immediately becomes a viable solution for many publishers. Compare this to AdSense which requires a minimum withdrawal of $100, and does not offer payment via PayPal.

Bidvertiser.comAnother advantage Bidvertiser has over most other ad networks is that their ads are completely customizable. While many other networks including AdSense allow custom colors, Bidvertiser also allows users to customize additional features such as font and text size, and even the actual size dimensions of the ads. This effectively allows publishers to create ads of any custom size for superlative integration.

The last major perk Bidvertiser has over AdSense and other networks is their ease and speed of signing up. Within 5-minutes, a brand new publisher can sign-up to Bidvertiser and have integrated ads up and running on their site.

Bidvertiser also serves ads based on their 3rd-generation bidding-based system, which allows them to accept all sites including: flash sites, sites with little content, and password-protected pages.

In addition, Bidvertiser recently (early 2008) launched ads for RSS feeds due to the large increase of webmaster bloggers. In order to display the ads, Bidvertiser requires publishers to switch to a new feed URL hosted on Bidvertiser's servers. This can be troublesome for some publishers as they would have to redirect subscribers of their old RSS address to the new feed, but is easy for anyone using Feedburner since the source RSS address can easily be changed.

Unfortunately, Bidvertiser excels in all areas except for one: payouts. Sadly, this is arguably the most important element of an ad network.

Most publishers report rather poor earnings and conversion rates with Bidvertiser when compared to other CPC networks such as AdSense. This is most likely due to the almost unfair advantage AdSense has with massive advertiser base; while Bidvertiser has a decent advertiser base of their own, Google simply has a lot more, and more advertisers results in higher competition, and thus higher payouts.


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