Bidvertiser Referal

Referral Program

Bidvertiser offers a referral program and all existing publishers are automatically eligible, only needing to activate it by clicking a button within the referral section of their control panel.

All referral earnings are tracked in a separate referral control panel which contains detailed reports and a wide selection of various banners of different sizes and colors. Like their main publisher control panel, Bidvertiser’s referral control panel is extremely easy to use and offers pretty much everything publishers need.

Bidvertiser allows publishers to refer both advertisers and publishers, and their payouts are as follows:

  • For the first $10 a referred advertiser spends, the referring publisher will receive $5. When that same referred advertiser spends $50, the referring publisher will receive an additional $20.
  • For the first $10 a referred publisher earns $10, the referring publisher will receive $10. When that same referred publisher earns $50, the referring publisher will receive an additional $40.

Earnings from referrals are included and paid out with the publisher’s main account with the same monthly payment cycle and payment methods and terms.


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