Rocket Profit Control

Control Panel

Upon logging into the control panel, the publisher is presented with a list of recently highlighted offers in the RocketProfit ad network. This “News Flash” page is typically updated about every three days, highlighting between one and three offers. Direct links to these offers, and a note about the commission available, are also provided.

In addition to the seven tabs available without logging in – Offer News, FAQs, About Us, Newsletters, Affiliate Toolbox, Contact Us, and Home – there are six control panel tabs that become available upon logging into a publisher account:

  • My Offers: Offers can be organized based on name, category, type, payout, media, and countries. Types include a sale, 1st page, completed profile, registration and paid trial. Upon clicking through on an individual offer, publishers can read a brief description and have access to the available campaign creatives.
  • My Stats: Custom reports can be generated for any number of campaigns deployed, selected URL referIDs, defined date ranges, and report formats. The four reports available are Totals by Date Range/Link; Totals by Date Range/Offer; Totals by Month/Link; and Totals by Month/Day/Link.
  • Referral Program: The special RocketReferral link can be acquired here, as well as banners and an email creative. A list of referred “partners” is also shown here.
  • My Active Campaigns: This section provides access to all affiliate campaigns that have been deployed by the publisher.
  • Rocket Rewards: This page outlines basic information about the Rocket Rewards program and it displays total commissions earned in the current month. Last month’s reward is displayed here too.
  • My Account: Publishers can go here to adjust payee information, contact information, email address, and password. Strangely, the password is not blocked out by a series of asterisks. Instead, it is in plain view and this could be a security issue with RocketProfit.
RocketProfitThe RocketProfit control panel is very easy to navigate and is reasonably user-friendly. Being able to organize the offers by the different criteria is very handy, but it does not appear possible to organize the offers based on date added. This way, publishers must visit the main page to view the latest offers.


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