Rocket Profit Features


Generally speaking, RocketProfit is much like the other CPA-based advertising networks on the Internet. The branding and appearance of the RocketProfit website, however, are quite different. Upon arriving at the main page, some visitors to the RocketProfit website may not recognize it as an advertising network. Instead, the site looks more like a travel agency or a shopping site of some kind. This may be part of RocketProfit’s attempt to separate itself from the crowd.

RocketProfitPublishers are promised “tons of unique and exclusive deals” through RocketProfit, as well as customized promotions for qualified publishers, “highest” payouts, access to experienced affiliate managers, and speedy payments. The default payment arrangement is net-15 (more on this in the Payment Details section), but qualifying publishers may request payments as expedient as net-1.

One of the more noteworthy features at RocketProfit is Rocket Rewards. This is a program that rewards high-performing publishers who achieve certain milestones within any given month. These dollar figures include all money earned through affiliate commissions and through the referral program. The reward comes in the form of a gift card from a number of different retailers and restaurants, including Barnes and Noble, Home Depot, Gap, Bath and Body Works, Red Lobster, and California Pizza Kitchen. If a publisher earns a total of $5,000 in a month, he or she earns a $25 gift card. This escalates through six levels in all. The largest reward (a $500 gift card) is for earning $100,000 in a single month.

Another notable feature at RocketProfit is the Affiliate Toolbox. This is a resource area for all publishers, providing links to various tools and tips from around the Internet. These are designed to help publishers generate more traffic and revenue. The tools include e-mail marketing tools, search engine marketing tools, webmaster tools, and Internet marketing resources and tools.


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