Rocket Profit Registration


The application process for RocketProfit is comprised of a single registration page with three sections.

On the first part of this page, the applicant will need to provide a full name, email address, company name, full mailing address, and phone number. RocketProfitIn the second section, the applicant will need to designate a tax classification (corporation, sole proprietorship, nonprofit, etc.) and payment preferences. American applicants will need to provide either a social security number (individual) or an employer identification number (company). The download link for the W-9 tax form can also be found here.

In the third part, applicants provide website information, company size, and the marketing types used. Finally, there is an area for a validation code.

Applications undergo a review process and most applicants will hear from RocketProfit within two to three business days. In this way, an application submitted on Wednesday may not receive approval until the following Monday. There are no explicit requirements for traffic.

Tip: RocketProfit is currently being very careful and selective in who they accept as publishers in order to keep quality standards high and reduce the possibility of fraud. If you do not hear back from RocketProfit within a week, your best bet is to phone them. They consider those who phone in to generally be serious publishers and will most likely approve you.


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