Entre Card Control Panel

Control Panel

The Entrecard control panel can appear to be quite crowded, but most of the critical information can be found through the main dashboard area. This is the main screen where publishers can see all the cards “dropped” on their account, the current advertisers waiting to be approved, and the advertisers currently in the queue to advertise on the publisher’s widget. The Quickstats area on this page also shows core data like the total number of available credits, number of ads purchased, and the current price for advertising on the publisher’s blog.

Aside from the main dashboard, there are seven other areas in the Entrecard control panel and these can be accessed through the navigation links near the top of the site.

  • 1. Get code: Publishers retrieve the code for the Entrecard widget in this area. There are three variations to the widget available: 127 x 148 slim widget, 200 x 127 medium widget, and 250 x 127 wide widget. These are usually installed in the sidebar area of a blog, though publishers are free to embed them somewhere else, so long as the widget is displayed on every page.
  • 2. Campaign: Publishers can look for other members of the Entrecard network in this area. From there, publishers can choose to drop their cards on these blogs, purchase advertising from them, or do nothing at all.
  • 3. Shop: With the official Entrecard Shop, publishers can use their credits to purchase account upgrades and other products. At the time this review was written, only the upgrades category was available.
  • 4. Blog: Network news and other developments can be found on the official Entrecard blog.
  • 5. Forums: Members of the Entrecard community can communicate with one another through the forum. This is also where publishers can promote their contests, report bugs in the system, and critique the blog posts of other members.
  • 6. Statistics: Seven critical pieces of data can be found in this section. They are card drops, advert clicks, organic clicks, your drops, top card droppers, top clicks by widget, and best value by widget.
  • 7. Help: The help area contains a number of useful guides, the FAQ, and user contributed guides.


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