Entre Card Registration


Signing up for an account with Entrecard only requires the completion of a single application form. This form will ask for email address, category (for the blog), Entrecard style (uploaded 125 x 125 image), website URL, title, tagline, and description. There is also an anti-spam measure in place. Approval is nearly instantaneous, but publishers should immediately install the widget code on their blogs. Otherwise, they risk having their Entrecard accounts deleted.

EntrecardPublishers should also take note of the Entrecard blog quality standards. Violating any of the rules warrants the deletion of an account. Some of the rules include:

  • No nudity
  • English only
  • Minimum 5 quality posts in the last 3 months
  • No full-screen ads or popups
  • No illegal file downloads
  • No auto-playing audio
  • Blogs cannot contain over 50% in paid content, including sponsored posts, links to online stores, and affiliate links

This last rule is particularly noteworthy, especially if a publisher makes use of shopping-style ads (like those from TTZ Media) on every post. Use of such a template would violate the Entrecard blog quality standards.


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