Entre Card Features


Rather than offering a number of different advertising styles, the Entrecard network specializes in just one ad format: the 125 x 125 square. For each blog that a publisher includes in his or her Entrecard account, a single 125 x 125 ad is uploaded. This ad creative, which is also known as a “card”, can be changed at any time.

EntrecardThere are a number of ways for publishers to earn Entrecard Credits (ECs). These credits, as mentioned earlier, act as the currency within the Entrecard network.

  • 1. Dropping their cards on other blogs in the Entrecard network: Visiting any other blog in the Entrecard network, a publisher can then find the Entrecard widget and hit the “drop” button. This places the publisher’s card in the dashboard area of the target blog. For example, if publisher A drops his card on the blog of publisher B, then publisher B will see publisher A’s card in his dashboard area. Each time a card is dropped on another blog, a publisher earns one Entrecard credit. A maximum of 300 credits can be earned each day using this method. Publishers can find target blogs for dropping their cards by using the “Campaign” page on the site’s main navigation area.
  • 2. Writing new blog posts: Publishers earn 25 Entrecard credits for every new blog post published on their blogs. This method can be used a maximum of one time every three days, so any additional blog posts within that period do not result in additional credits.
  • 3. Receiving advertising from other members: Advertisers spend Entrecard credits in the marketplace to purchase advertising. The publisher earns 25% of the purchase price (in the form of credits) when another member purchases advertising on his blog. The other 75% is automatically deleted from the Entrecard system. This is to prevent inflation in the Entrecard marketplace.
  • 4. Selling items in the Entrecard shop: In addition to offering advertising on their blogs, Entrecard publishers can also sell virtual items through the integrated shop. These virtual items can vastly range in scope, including but not limited to blog reviews, text links, e-books, consultations, graphic design work, or more.
  • 5. Winning contests: Publishers may discover that other Entrecard members are giving away Entrecard credits on their blogs. Some of these contests are highlighted in the Promotions section of the official Entrecard forum.
  • 6. Purchasing credits: For publishers who would rather not earn their credits, it is also possible to purchase Entrecard credits directly from Entrecard. Payment is accepted via PayPal only. It costs $6 to purchase 1000 credits, $30 to purchase 5000 credits, and $60 to purchase 10000 credits. Publishers may also come across a “black market” for Entrecard Credits. Naturally, they should proceed with extreme caution when purchasing credits from third-parties.

With the placement of the Entrecard widget on their blogs, publishers are able to display advertising from other Entrecard members. This is the primary system for Entrecard and it is the one described in the third point above. Publishers are not able to set their own prices, however, as the price for advertising on any given blog is determined by its current popularity.

Advertising on Entrecard is always for a 24 hour period. The formula to determine the advertising price is 2 to the power of the number of advertisers in the queue. For example, if no one is waiting to advertising on blog X, then the price is 1 Entrecard Credit. If advertising on this blog is backed up for 3 days (i.e., there are three advertisers waiting for their ads to be displayed), then the current price would be 2^3 = 8 Entrecard Credits. There is no upper limit to this, so the most popular blogs may charge hundreds, even thousands of Entrecard Credits for a single day of advertising.


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