Rocket Profit Summary


RocketProfitRocketProfit appears to offer several advantages over competing affiliate-based ad networks. The referral program, which pays publishers a 2% commission for the life of the referral, is one of the better ones out there, and the net-15 payment schedule is faster than the standard net-30 schedule used by other networks. Also, the minimum payment threshold of $25 is quite attractive. Payout levels on the various campaigns range from about $0.35 to $40.00.

The branding for RocketProfit and the site layout are easy to understand, but it does not have the appearance of a conventional ad network. Also, the amount of time that it takes for an application to be approved may feel lengthy, especially if a weekend is involved. It is also unfortunate that the vast majority of campaigns offered by RocketProfit are limited to the United States. Very few are truly worldwide.

RocketProfit appears to be a solid network with good publisher support, fast payment schedules, and potentially lucrative ad campaigns. The Rocket Rewards program offers an added incentive for greater performance.


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