Rocket Profit Payment Details

Payment Details

The default payment arrangement with RocketProfit has payments issued to publishers via a regular check in the mail. PayPal is also available, but publishers RocketProfitwill need to contact their respective affiliate managers to make that arrangement, bearing in mind that RocketProfit is not responsible for any PayPal fees incurred through those transaction. Higher-performing publishers can also request a bank wire if they prefer.

The minimum payout threshold is $25 and payments are issued on net-15 terms. This means that all accumulated earnings in the previous month are paid on the 15th of the following month. For example, the payment issued on February 15th would cover commissions earned during the month of January, assuming that the total earnings meet the threshold of $25.

As with many of other CPA-based advertising networks, RocketProfit requires that all US publishers fill out and submit a W9 tax form. This is not required of international publishers. The form can be submitted via fax, e-mail, or regular postal mail.


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